The Clackamas County Community Road Fund Advisory Committee (CRFAC) will hold a virtual meeting from 7–8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 20. The public is welcome to attend. 
The agenda, supporting materials and Zoom link to the meeting will be posted online at  
The primary focus of the meeting will be an update on Community Road Fund projects approved by the Board of Commissioners in November 2019. These projects, to relieve congestion, improve safety and/or pave local roads, are primarily funded by revenue from the countywide vehicle registration fee, all of which goes into the Community Road Fund.
The projects would not be possible without revenue from the first Clackamas County countywide vehicle registration fee, which went into effect in January 2020.  
The first round of congestion relief projects recommended by the CRFAC and approved by the Board include:• Canby-Marquam Highway/Lone Elder Road Intersection: Reconstruct; add turn lanes• Redland Road: Add turn lanes at Ferguson and Bradley • Stafford Road: Remove skew, add turn lanes & signals at Childs and Johnson; add paved bikeway from Pattulo Way to Rosemont• Amisigger Road/Highway 224 Intersection: Install traffic signal; add turn lanes• Barlow Road: Initial project scoping• Johnson Creek Blvd, 55th to Bell: Widen to 3 lanes; add bike lanes, sidewalk• Welches Road, US 26 to Birdie Lane: Add sidewalks and paved shoulders
The CRFAC, made up of residents from throughout the county, is charged with reviewing proposed transportation construction projects to be funded through the Community Road Fund that would relieve congestion, and recommending priorities to the Board of Commissioners. 
For more information about the Community Road Fund, go to
Contact: Dave Queener, Transportation and DevelopmentPhone: 503-742-4322Email[email protected]
Contact: Ellen Rogalin, Public and Government AffairsPhone: 503-742-4274 Email[email protected]

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