Our Story
Stafford Hamlet was born out of the idea that change is inevitable, including changing the way we develop. We value the qualities–the “Stafford Character”–that make our community a desirable place to live.
Our Story
Responding to widespread citizen concern about Oregon’s declining livability in the face of rampant growth Oregon Governor Tom McCall signs SB 100 May 1973.Heralded as landmark Land Use legislation, SB 100, creates a framework for land use planning across the state. It requires every city and county to develop a comprehensive plan for land use planning. To preserve farmland, SB100, also requires Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB) for every incorporated City within Oregon.Metro, the jurisdictional authority for the Tri-County area that comprises the city of Portland, established the Portland regions first Urban Growth Boundary in 1979The area we know as Stafford Hamlet was not included within Metro’s first UGB map drawn in 1979.However, there has been intense pressure on Metro to include Stafford into what are referred to as “Urban Reserves” and ultimately into the UGB since 1995.Metro has placed Stafford in Urban Reserves twice, 1995 and 2010. Feb 29 1014, the Oregon Court of Appeals finds errors in Metro’s 2010 decision and struck down Metro’s inclusion of Stafford into Urban Reserve for the second time.Metro has moved to include Stafford with in the Urban Growth Boundary once, 1997. In 2005 the Oregon Court of Appeals struck down this UGB expansion as well, finding once again that Metro had not correctly applied Oregon land use goals.Stafford Hamlet was formed in 2006, our Vision and Values statement was ratified in 2009 and our Community Vision Plan was completed and ratified in 2015
A number of communities in Clackamas County have become hamlets or villages. The Villages at Mt. Hood (collectively Brightwood, Rhododendron, Welches, Wemme and Zig Zag) and the Hamlets of Beavercreek, Stafford and Mulino have officially formed organized forums for citizens to express issues of concern, prioritize activities and coordinate community-based activities. Mulino voted to form a hamlet and elect their Board of Directors at a May 2007 Town Hall meeting. This series of meetings culminated in town hall meetings, where citizens living or owning businesses or properties within the proposed boundaries voted on these matters. The BCC has approved each community’s Board, bylaws and governance structures.
Stafford Hamlet is an area, like many, that is facing the prospect of lots of change in the near future as a result of changing land use laws and Metro’s plans for how to absorb the growth of new citizens to our region.
Hamlets are an end result of Complete Communities, a grass roots campaign launched by Clackamas County to give residents a say in their own future. Because it is a legally recognized body, the Hamlet represents an unprecedented opportunity for the residents of Stafford to have a meaningful voice at the state and county planning level. This is our chance to not only organize but also send a clear message that Stafford will determine its own fate.