Here is a short overview of what is being planned for Stafford, Childs, Johnson roads. Also attached CC board approved contract for design. (12 parcels are assumed to require ROW and easements; 10 are assumed to require easements only. 22 total properties with impacts)Stafford Road Improvements Project (Pattulo Way to Rosemont Road)
Information below is taken from: Contract with Murraysmith, Inc. for the Stafford Road Improvements Project (Pattulo Way to Rosemont Road Design Contract total $1,482,588.00 / Overall cost approximate, $10 – $12 Million
SW Stafford Road has long been identified as a priority improvement project in the Clackamas County transportation system pla n (TSP) to add paved shoulders between Pattulo Way and Rosemont Road and turn lanes at the major intersections of Childs Rd and Johnson Rd.
The County has secured Community Road Funds to install a traffic signal or roundabout at Childs Rd and a southbound left-turn lane at Johnson Rd. The intersections at Childs Rd and Johnson Rd will also be realigned to reduce or eliminate the intersection skew. Stafford Rd will be widened to provide paved bike lanes between Pattulo Way and Rosemont Road.
This project will improve Stafford Rd between Pattulo Way and Rosemont Rd by adding bike lanes, realigning the intersections of Childs Rd and Johnson Rd to reduce or eliminate the existing intersection skews, adding a southbound left-turn lane at SW Johnson Rd, and adding a signal or roundabout at Childs Rd. Northbound and southbound turn lanes will also be added at the intersection of Childs Rd, as needed.
Read more here.
*****Assumed 22 files for Right Of Way and easement acquisitions shall be required; 12 parcels are assumed to require ROW and easements; 10 are assumed to require easements only.